Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Election Year 2010

This coming year can be the year that your vote can make the difference. All the local and county offices are going to be on the ballot for you to cast your vote. This is the time to make your choice on who you want to make future decisions about Paris and Bourbon County Government.

They will be in charge of making decisions that can effect your personal day to day life. So put some time in the thought process before you cast a vote. Only you can decide what is best for you and your family. The main thing is to make sure YOU VOTE don’t let others decide your future without having your voice heard.

The past couple years has been tough on all of us with all the economic issues are country is facing. We need people in office making solid good decision for the whole community, not individuals who are just it for the “what is in it for me attitude.”

If you are not sure about how a candidate stands on an issue, don’t be afraid to speak up and ask? If they share your values then vote for them. If not vote for the one who does. Just because you think someone is a nice person, they may not share your same views on a particular subject.  In that case, if you vote them in office, don’t be surprised when they do the opposite of what you thought!

I realize it is the Holiday Season and Christmas is just around the corner. It is not to early to be thinking about your future for the next couple of years. Enjoy the Holidays but think about issues that concern you and plan on casting YOUR VOTE.

Until next time,


  1. I just have a question, you seem to be very involved in trying to make things "better" in our community. I have recently moved here and bought my first home last year. I have never been so frustrated in my life.

    I am very proud being a single woman in my late 40's and love my home. I have had neighbors that have trash out in the yard, don't bring their trash cans back in for days after pick-up, barking dogs all day and night and parking in their front yard like it's a drive-way. (p.s. I hate my realator!) On ALL of these frustrations I have contacted the person in charge of city ordinances only to find excuse after excuse for why I shouldn't expect better.

    i.e. one of my neighbors experienced a death in the family, so they couldn't possibly be expected to bring in their trash cans. What I knew that maybe he didn't was that they didn't do it before the death and now we are a year out from the death??? Hello??

    My question to you. Isn't it a conflict of interest for this particular person to own/operate a dry cleaning business AND be expected to make his "friends" comply? what avenue can I take at this point or am I just *&^* out of luck?

  2. I can sympathize with the situation you describe about the trash and barking dog from your neighbors. Not sure who you contacted from the city? You should have received an answer instead of excuses. I can’t comment without knowing the details on the conflict of interest.

    What I suggest that you do is attend the commissioners meeting Dec. 8th at 9:00 a.m. Sign-up for public comment and ask for help directly from city officials. Tell them your story and ask for a response from them? The city just this past meeting passed a new noise ordinance that deals directly with barking dogs. I believe because I have been so vocal in the past they will be more than willing to respond to you. Hope to see you at the meeting.

    Good Luck!

  3. I appreciate your feedback. Unfortunately, I was laid off in August and have just found a new full time job (I am feeling very lucky about that) I am not in the position to ask for time off for this crusade. Is there anyting else you can suggest to contribute to the barking dog drama? I have two dogs one is 125 lbs. one is 7 lbs. I love them to death, however I do have bark collars and shock collars, I do have a fenced in yard and I only expect that people be responsible for the pets. I am VERY passionate about this and worked for a Veterinarian in Lexington for almost a decade. People need to be responsible and stop letting their dogs do their "business" in my yard and realize just because you have a fenced yard doesnt mean you just let them out and your repsonibility ends. Sorry! off my soap box, anyway what can I do to make my voice heard without being present, if anything?

  4. If you can't attend the meeting, my next suggestion is call the mayor or one of the city commissioners. The city office number is 859 987 2110. You can also click on the Paris website link on this blog to send them an e-mail from the links provided on Paris website.
    Either way I still believe they will now respond. It is up to you to call or e-mail one of the officials. They do on occassion read this blog to!

  5. Thank you for the information. I have just read your response tonight, as I pull into my home and see not only one but now two cars parked in a front yard?? and dozens of trash cans "still" out in the street... just when you think it can't get any more "tacky" can't wait for the 2010 equestrian games how impressed will they be?? anyway thanks again for your dedication I may seek out the paris website but if Mr. Mike Withrow is anymore help than he has been in the past I really don't think I could stand it. P.S. If I spelled his name wrong call his drycleaning cleaning business and complain.


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or you can email me jgmparis@gmail.com