Saturday, February 27, 2010

02/23/2010 Commissioners Meeting

This was another 2 hour meeting and I actually got there a couple minutes early!

First item on the agenda was a Proclamation for American Red Cross.  Mayor Thornton presented a Plaque to the local Red Cross Volunteers for their tireless efforts of helping families in need. The Mayor declared the month of March, American Red Cross Month.

Another item of interest was new playground equipment for two of our city parks. Rucker Village and Chief Reed Park will be getting new playground equipment at a cost of $19,000. This cost would also include a swing for Garrard Park which is handicap accessible .
It was noted there wasn’t enough money in the budget to also have a handicap swing included with the equipment being installed at RuckerVillage and Chief Reed Park.

Mayor Thornton asked "how much extra was needed to include a handicap swing?" It was stated each of the 2 swings would cost an extra $ 500.00 each. The lady who was presenting the information to city officials stated that Mayor Thornton last year donated his personal money for a handicap swing at Claysville Park.

Mayor Thornton then stated, "he would donate his personal money for 1 swing this year also."
Commissioner Fryman then stated "the other swing money could be donated by the 4 city commissioners."

I want to thank Mayor Thornton and the Commissioners for donating this money for our kids. THANKS!

Another item was to advertise a bid package for the Cable TV Franchise in Paris. It was noted it’s been 10 years since it was last bid. It was stated there are several areas within the city limits that still have no cable service. This time it will be part of the bid package to extend coverage into these areas. It was noted they also wanted a local access channel so schools and civic organization could have access to broadcast events if they wanted. This local channel could even be used to show commissioner meetings. I am sure for that!!

Next time I will continue with more on this meeting.

Until next time,

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