Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sunday Alcohol Sales Letter

This is the letter and questions I presented to city officials at commissioners meeting August 25th

To: Paris City Officials

Sunday Alcohol Sales

Why are you in such a hurry rushing this through, without given adequate time for people that oppose it to voice concerns!

You approved this in two weeks or less. This was not enough time for the word of Sunday Alcohol Sales to spread in the city for everyone to even know about it.
You are now ready to pass it, less than a month after it was requested.
This can not be acceptable, responsible behavior for our city officials to act in this manner. You have a responsibility to all citizens of this city to fully inform them of such issues. You don’t have the right to rush this through without first explaining why it is necessary.
How can this possibly help us as a community? It only allows the possibility of more drunk drivers on the road to possibly kill one of our loved ones.
We seem to have enough alcohol and drug problems in our city already for our police officers
to deal with Monday through Saturday, without adding the Lords day too.
Time Frame:
1. Requested Tuesday July 28th
2. Published Wednesday August 5th in the paper
3. Approved-1st reading Tuesday August 11th
4. Published Wednesday August 19th in the paper
5. ? Tuesday August 25th

{ It is my belief that Wednesday Bourbon County Citizen is a good paper- but it probably doesn’t have adequate circulation to reach all citizens of Paris like the free Monday Advertiser does} Maybe the city & county should consider placing their legals in both in order to spread the word better.

The statement below is from the ordinance:
Whereas: Economic concerns cause the city to authorize Sunday Alcohol Sales

Some general questions about: Chapter 62: Alcoholic Beverages

62.003 Who is the alcoholic beverage control administrator? And 2 deputies ?

62.005 How often if ever are the books, records of alcohol sales looked at?

How do they prove to the city that 50% or more of their gross annual income from the dining facilities comes from the sale of food and not alcohol?
Concerned Citizen,
John Marshall


  1. The thing that puzzles me so much about Kentucky and their "Lord's day" protest to acohol sles on Sunday is that if you are really concerned about more drunk drivers then please consider that those that choose to drink will drive to the closest county that provides acohol sales on Sunday therefore the revenue that would stay in this county is gone. Secondly just because someone would like the option of purchasing a bottle of wine or a 12 pack of beer doesnt mean all of us who drink are going to be slaughtering pedestrians on the highway.

    Now, after having said that I totally agree with you that the public should have been made aware of such a vote and their voices heard.


  2. You shouldn't be puzzled about Kentucky and the Lord's Day. This is a small community with Christian values and the majority of us oppose sale of alcohol on Sunday.

    As to your point of a drunk driver going to another county,I can only hope that one of our fine law enforcement officers can prevent this.
    Your point of revenue not staying in the county, I will say that if a business can't make a profit the other 6 days, they need to change their "business model"

    Your point is well taken about not slaughtering pedestrains, I suggest if you must drink, use the other 6 days to buy it.

    thanks for your point of view

  3. Coming from a larger city I must say your idea of a "christian community" is somewhat a joke considering Paris has a reputation as being one of the highest drug infested commuities in the central Kentucky.

    Keep thumping your bible maybe you can save us all!!

  4. I agree there is a drug problem in our community. Having said that, I stand by what I said that this is a christian community. That doesn't mean we are not trying to make things better.

    As for your Bible thumping comment, this is a free country and you are intitled to your opinion.

  5. I appreciate that you are trying to bring awareness to the community about the local city practices. That's why I came on this website to begin with. I am sure that you are dedicated and concerned about what goes on in this area as am I. We may have our differences in the separation of church and state; however, keep up the good work being an active citizen trying to make our community better.

    I still don't understand why everyday wouldn't be considered the "Lords Day" and why you wouldn’t be as incensed on sitting next to somebody sitting in a restaurant having a glass of wine or beer on Saturday night as you would Sunday night but at this point we will agree to disagree.

    Keep up the good work, in the meantime we will continue to send our revenue (along with some of "Bourbon Counties Finest") enjoying a nice cold beverage in Scott or Fayette County on Sunday.

    Just my opinion.

  6. I thank you for your comments and I will continue to keep the awareness level up.
    I just believe elected officials have a duty to the public to keep is well informed.


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